4 Tips for Your Next Infographic

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Written by Becky Fitzpatrick, Digital Marketing Associate

Infographics are a popular way for organizations to show data in a visual and engaging way. With short copy, easy to read statistics and engaging graphics, infographics are wildly popular on social media.

Nonprofits can use infographics in multiple avenues for fundraising and marketing. They can be added as inserts in direct mail pieces, act as the copy of an e-appeal, stand out on a landing page, or go viral on social media.

Here are four tips our design team uses when creating an infographic for our nonprofit clients:

1. Use relevant and updated data – make sure all sources are accurate, data is from recent studies, and all sources are properly cited

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2. Tell a story – data and numbers can be compelling on their own, but only if they form a complete story. Let the numbers lead to a conclusion or call-to-action!

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3. Keep it simple – infographics are there to make reading data easier. Keeping the design simple, the font easy to read, and the graphics easy to comprehend will make your infographic successful.

KBF_infograhics_72res for web4. Make it visual – few people enjoy looking at charts and graphics, but if you use an appropriate color pallet and pair statistical graphics with photos or graphic elements, they become compelling and exciting.

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About the author
Faircom New York
Whatever you do, we raise the funds to help you do it.

Faircom New York is an award-winning nonprofit marketing agency composed of passionate, humanitarian and fundraising professionals who work with your nonprofit team to raise funds at every donor level and through every channel of giving.

We have specialized teams who work together to produce, coordinate and execute highly integrated fundraising campaigns. In other words, we tailor our fundraising services to meet your unique needs. This is how Faircom New York differs from every other nonprofit marketing agency.

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Choose Faircom New York as your nonprofit marketing agency and propel your organization to new heights with our award-winning marketing and fundraising services. We’ll help your nonprofit raise funds online, by mail, via social media, on mobile, peer to peer, or events.

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