Direct Mail Campaigns

You may not believe it, your board may not believe it, your boss may not believe it, your friends may not believe it.  But here’s the thing: nonprofit direct mail still reigns in fundraising to individual donors.

We help you build a meaningful donor journey

The charitable giving market has soared over $400 billion in recent years. Media fanfare celebrates transformational gifts in the tens of millions of dollars from individual and institutional donors continuing to lift nonprofit revenues around the country and the world.

The potential for your organization is out there. The question is:  How do you increase charitable donations for your nonprofit?

At the center of achieving success in philanthropy and grants is, of course, a focus on prospect and donor development through moves management. This clinical sounding term boils down to building a meaningful prospect or donor journey with your organization, from first introduction through to making a gift or grant and beyond. The key is to have a plan and structure in place, so that you are prepared to accompany each donor through the fundraising cycle.

In this, we focus on:

  • Asking the prospect to make a contribution (solicitation, which we can advise on and prepare for during Prospect & Donor Cultivation, but always defer to the ask being led by our nonprofit partner).
  • Thanking and reporting to your donor underscores the gratitude for and impact of each contribution (Donor Stewardship).

By developing a plan for your fundraising cycle from the outset, you are better positioned to support your prospect or donor along their journey — rather than being caught flat-footed and unsure of where to go next.

Depending upon the length of time your team has been actively building a major gifts or grants portfolio, you may have tools in place to support moves management institution-wide. That’s why our team has broken out partnership opportunities on both a project basis and through ongoing monthly retainers for strategy consulting across the fundraising cycle. We are eager to open a conversation with you about where you are at currently — and, more importantly, where you want to be in the coming years.

We are happy to step into a fully-staffed development team to bring added capacity or audit existing processes to find opportunities for improvement and growth. More unique to the Faircom team is our comfort in working with nonprofits who are starting from scratch — seeking to build a major gifts and grants audience for the first time, and with little to no experience in managing these complex yet rewarding relationships. No matter the size and scope of your program, we are ready to collaborate with you to find ways to maximize your potential through philanthropy and grants.

Need help with donor development?

We can customize a scope of work to respond to your greatest needs — building either a standalone project to fill essential gaps in the short term or looking at a longer-term relationship for ongoing strategy consulting. 

If you aren’t sure where to begin, we are eager to open up a conversation to explore more! We are used to working with larger, more experienced development teams, as well as organizations who may be just starting to build their philanthropy potential through major gifts and grants. 

Questions about our services or approach to fundraising?

We can customize a scope of work to respond to your greatest needs — building either a standalone project to fill essential gaps in the short term or looking at a longer-term relationship for ongoing strategy consulting. 

If you aren’t sure where to begin, we are eager to open up a conversation to explore more!