Giving Tuesday 2021: 5 tips for a successful fundraising campaign

Faircom New York Blog Giving Tuesday 2021

Have you included Giving Tuesday in your fundraising strategy for the end of the year? Today, leveraging this international day for generosity is a must. In 2020 alone, Giving Tuesday brought nonprofits over $2.45 billion in revenue — 29% more than in 2019!

What You'll Learn

Here are 5 tips for a successful Giving Tuesday fundraising campaign in 2021.

Develop an integrated campaign for Giving Tuesday

Promote your campaign via multiple channels to reach as many people as possible and create a repetition effect. The more your targets see your message, the better your chances of getting a response.

Mail still works, but it can be more expensive and time-consuming. For Giving Tuesday, which happens mainly online, we recommend focusing your efforts on email marketing, digital advertising, and your website.

Make sure the messaging is consistent across platforms and engaging

On all the channels you use, the messaging must be the same. Of course, you have to adapt the number of characters and the formats of the creatives to the different platforms and audiences. But the campaign must be recognizable.

To strengthen the messaging, don’t hesitate to state a financial goal and a deadline to give. This type of information acts as a powerful incentive to the audience because it creates a sense of urgency.

If possible, we also recommend asking one of your major donors to support the campaign by matching donations. This strategy can easily double, triple, or even quintuple your results!

Send email series: repetition is key for conversion!

Don’t be afraid of sending multiple emails to your contacts. They receive dozens of them a day from several other organizations. You must repeat your message to be heard. For Giving Tuesday, we generally recommend sending a series of 5 emails:

  • One week before Giving Tuesday to announce the event and make a first call for donations
  • A reminder the day before
  • Two emails on Giving Tuesday: one in the morning, and a lift note in the evening
  • The next day to thank those who gave and invite those who didn’t to do so

Make sure these emails are mobile-friendly and keep the copy short. Use bold font and colors on key phrases to grab the recipients’ attention and use graphics to summarize your message.

Giving Tuesday Email Series for Little Brothers of the Elderly Chicago

Invest in online advertising

Talk about your campaign with organic posts on social media like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn. It’s a great way to engage your followers. These platforms, as well as search engines like Google, also offer effective paid solutions to promote your campaign and reach more people. In the United States, nonprofit spending on online advertising increased 33% in 2020 (M+R Benchmarks, 2021)!

Giving Tuesday Facebook Ads for Little Brothers of the Elderly Chicago

Don’t forget your website!

The journey of your targeted audience ends on your website. As much as possible, adapt the donation page and the home page to the campaign (copy, design). You can also set up a lightbox on the home page, with a Giving Tuesday message and a link to the donation page.

You now have all the keys to a successful Giving Tuesday campaign! If you have any questions or need support, feel free to reach out! Our team is always available and ready to help.

About the author
Faircom New York
Whatever you do, we raise the funds to help you do it.

Faircom New York is an award-winning nonprofit marketing agency composed of passionate, humanitarian and fundraising professionals who work with your nonprofit team to raise funds at every donor level and through every channel of giving.

We have specialized teams who work together to produce, coordinate and execute highly integrated fundraising campaigns. In other words, we tailor our fundraising services to meet your unique needs. This is how Faircom New York differs from every other nonprofit marketing agency.

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Choose Faircom New York as your nonprofit marketing agency and propel your organization to new heights with our award-winning marketing and fundraising services. We’ll help your nonprofit raise funds online, by mail, via social media, on mobile, peer to peer, or events.

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